This section contains online resources I have found useful on my journey toward simple living and financial freedom, including tools, websites, blogs, podcasts, and more.
Note: For transparency, there may be referral or affiliate links (which are clearly labeled). Some services offer a referral bonus that benefits both you and me, making it a win-win situation.
Other Tools & Caclulators
The 4% Rule Simulatorsimulate your portfolio using historical market data at different start years to see how your portfolio will perform for the duration of your (early) retirement
Post-FIRE Calculatorcrunch your numbers after you reach your FIRE number, to see the success rate against the likely hood of death as you age
Redflagdealsfind deals; a Canadian forum for people to post deals, treasure hunting in their 'Hot Deals' section is one of my hobbies 🤓
Flippsave money on groceries; have all your weekly circulars and flyers from different stores all in one place. I use it to plan my groceries, look for the best deals and price match (if the store allows)
Rakutena cashback website that offers additional cashback on your online purchases at qualifying stores, this is a referral link that currently offers $30 bonus for both of us after your first qualifying bonus/purchase as a new user.
Blogs & Podcasts
Mr. Money MustacheTHE original blog for early retirement, FIRE movement by one of the earliest adopters of this movement.
Millenial Revolutiona blog by a Canadian couple who retired in their 30's by not buying a house, this is their blog on their journey and learnings
Rational Reminder Podcasta podcast that focuses on more in-depth analysis of personal finance, trends, frameworks, such as the FIRE movement
The Plain Bagela youtube channel with a focus on personal finance education, investing, economics that doesn't try to sell you anything