Privacy Policy
SimplyFreely (this website) and its tools are designed to store all user-entered data locally in your browser via localStorage.
No data that you enter will be sent to the server, and stays entirely on your computer.
This approach is by design to keep development simple (without the overhead of maintaining a database) and to protect your privacy by reducing the risk of hacks or data breaches on the server side.
Because of this, SimplyFreely is not responsible for any data loss or theft caused by, but not limited to, computer or browser crashes, computer viruses, etc.
User and session data on this website are collected through Google Analytics, which helps me better understand traffic,
demographics, devices, and other factors to improve features and usability. Outside of Google Analytics, the use of cookies on this website is limited, if they are used at all.
TL;DR your data is on your computer. It makes development simpler for me and more privacy for you.