Welcome to SimplyFreely, a companion website to my YouTube channel that focuses on the ideas of Simple Living and Financial Freedom. Here you'll find tools and resources that have been helpful on my journey, and I hope they can help you on yours too!
WIP (Work in Progress)
One thing working as a software engineer has taught me is that "big bang projects" (building an entire project until it's perfect and then releasing it all at once) almost always result in a disastrous launch. That’s why this website is a continuously evolving, iterative work in progress. I’ve created a “What's New” section where I’ll post updates on meaningful additions, so be sure to check it out on your next visit. In the meantime, feel free to browse around.
As a software engineer and creative individual, I love to create. That’s why I have a YouTube channel where I share my experiences, thoughts, and contemplate life through visual art as I embrace the simple things in life. This website serves as another creative outlet for me, where I can build tools and use my skills to help others. If you’re looking for ways, ideas, and tools to reshape and simplify your life, then you've come to the right place.
While I intend to help people with my experiences, I am not a "professional" in the sense that I didn’t attend school to become a financial planner or a therapist. I am just your average guy, and everything I know is self-taught, learned through years of reading, researching, and trial and error. What works for me may not necessarily work for you, so please do your own due diligence and make your own decisions in life. I've also created a brief Disclaimer and Privacy Policy page, which goes into more detail, so please take a moment to read them.
The tools on this website focus on financial parameters (such as safe withdrawal rates, savings rates, etc.) On the pages that use these parameters, any changes you make will update the graphs and projections in real-time, helping you better visualize the impact of those changes.
This section lists the resources I’ve found helpful on my journey—websites that helped me save money, podcasts I enjoy (on topics like finance and personal development), and more.
Simple is not easy, but it’s definitely worth it.
"The more things you own, the more they own you."